Our Vision
We set-up the company with the hope that we could contribute to make the world more beautiful. We’re working on it each and everyday.
Though we’re not yet big enough to radically change the world for better, we started by making our activity as neutral as possible for the planet. For our first year, we did so by taking part in a reforestation project in Panama that you can discover below.
This is not difficult to make. This is not even expensive. But if each firm was doing it, it could really make a difference.
We will update this page regularly with our next stones. If you feel like bringing your own and helping us stacking them to a mountain high, don’t hesitate to contact us, or to directly contact the owners of the projects described in this page.
Commitment n°1: Offsetting our carbon footprint

CO2OL Tropical Mix – Panama
This is the project we selected to compensate for our first year of activity.

The project areas are spread among different Panamanian provinces. Degraded pasture-land is reforested with a mixture of mostly native tree species. Sustainable and high quality timber production is hence combined with biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration.
CO2OL Tropical Mix is one of the worldwide first Gold Standard forestry projects; moreover, the cocoa areas are the very first Gold Standard agroforestry areas. In addition, the project area is certified by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) and the cocoa areas are UTZ certified.

Socially fair
- Long-term fair employment for the local population (more than 150 jobs created so far).
- Integrated capacity building and environmental education programmes.
- Sustainable sources of income: sale of certified tropical timber, carbon credits, cocoa and seed materials.
Ecological values
- High share of native tree species.
- New habitats for trees and plants.
- New corridors for migratory species due to afforestation on different fincas.
- Erosion control and water protection.